Kids Motion

We knew that starting a “kids club” has to be built on grounds that fulfill both the parents’ and children’s needs. That’s why on 11 September 2019, PREMIDON met the heroes of tomorrow, a total of 10 children, and questioned them about their definitions of entertainment and preferable choices for playgrounds and more. The results gave us a great basis and plenty of food for thought which helped us cultivate our distinctive unprecedented concepts.

Our Kids club covers three main elements which are Sports & Fitness, Edutainment, and Fun & Play. Each one of these elements makes sure to help the kids enjoy their time, learn important skills and knowledge, in addition to acquiring new healthy habits.

The basic idea of the “Kids Club” is to create a world just for children, a place where parents do not need to be present. Children are to play autonomously with other children. Nevertheless, the concept also includes the parents. They may, if they so wish, spend time in the “Young Motion” area. This will be a separate area with special services for the parents.

We thought, who knows better about what makes great children’s entertainment and playgrounds than the children themselves? So, we invited a bunch of children and questioned them, and let them develop their own ideas.

On 11 September 2019, the day had come: PREMIDON met the heroes of tomorrow. A total of 10 children between the age of 4 and 9. It was an exciting day, and the results gave us a great basis and plenty of food for thought for us to develop a concept.

Fee-based courses

Opening hours and admissibility

  • Monday to Sunday
  • Children "6 to 13 years"
  • Daily all-day service


  • Children’s birthday
  • Fancy dress
  • First day at school


  • Individual
  • Group
  • Club sports
  • Compact

Our Activites


Looking at indoor playgrounds around the world showed us that these look very similar and yet, on closer inspection, differ a lot. Everything revolves around space, movement, technical games, and developments.

  • The feeling that these playgrounds are unhygienic.
  • Especially younger children cannot be left unattended .
  • No real “divide” between the younger and older children.
  • The menu of unhealthy food.
  • A high risk of injury.


  • Sale and hire of :
    • Sustainable toys
    • Children’s clothes
    • Books
  • Cooperation with:
    • Kilenda
    • Ciluna
    • Lego® hire etc.
  • Requirement
    • Proportion of plastic should be as low as possibl


The basic idea of the “KIDS CLUB” is to create a world just for children, a place where parents do not need to be present. Children are to play autonomously with other children. The parents should primarily run their errands at the shopping center: shopping, going to the hairdresser, enjoying some alone time without the children, etc.

  • Boutique: Focus on: children & treats for the parents.
  • Parenting classes .
  • Workspaces .
  • Book café .

Children Grouping


3-5 years, not yet in school

  • Seek attention
  • Self-absorbed
  • No sense of time
  • Magical thinking
  • Low frustration tolerance
  • Vocabulary increases

Elementary school

6-10 years, elementary school

  • Pronounced urge to move
  • Still strong parental bond
  • Discovering and understanding connections
  • Object-oriented thinking increases


11-13 years, secondary school

  • The urge to move decreases
  • Want to be alone sometimes
  • Grey area between Kajal & Playmobile
  • Exuberant towards friends,less towards parents

Our Elements


• Indoor playing field (Football, Handball, Volleyball)
• Fitness, gym area (Cardiovascular training, Toning exercises, PT)
• Interactive training (Light wall, Interactive wall, and field games)
• Fitness classes (Karate, Dance (modern, jazz, breakdance, etc.), Jumping, Ballet)


• Educational workshop: TG: 3-13 years (Experimenting, Exploring, Knowledge)
• Music & Theatre: TG: 3-13 years (Music, Theatre, Acting, Dressing up)
• Tinkering lab: TG: 3-13 years (Painting, Crafting, Building)
• Mini town: TG: 3-9 years (Bank, Police, Discounter)


• Building blocks: TG: 3-13 years (Lego®, Puzzles)
• Virtual world: TG: 6-13 years (Interactive virtual games)
• Outdoor: TG: 3-13 years (Sandpit, Playground, Waterpark, Themed areas)
• Freestyle world: TG: 6-13 years
• Soft play: TG: 3-6 years (Ball pit, Soft play, Bouncy castles, Wall games)